Oh had to go home. His parents house, he meant. After workout, Oh hopped on a bus that was supposed to go to the Suwon Station directly. However, two minutes after he got on the bus, he realized that it was a wrong bus. Feeling just flat out tired, Oh did not bother hopping out and changing the bus.
Luckily, the bus was still heading to a local subway station, so Oh did not have to get off. So he just decided to sit back and enjoy the ride.
It was a bit weird but surely inspirational ride to some degree. First, because he did end up a train station after only 10 minutues. Secondly, he camed to a certain realization. The realization that sometimes what you are doing is far away from accomplishing your goals so that you start to panic and develop a certain degree of anxiety for not knowing what is going to happen. Subsequently, you come to have doubts whether what you are doing is the best thing to do although it seems very wrong. But just like Oh wound up a subway station, one eventually achieves what he wanted in the very beginning. The only difference is the path itself and the amount of time he or she needed to see the bigger picture.

Also, even though he are in a wrong place you still learn something.
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