2008. 10. 31.
At the end of the night, he was frustrated and helpless. He had a plan, masterplan that was supposed to revive and rejuvenate him.
Just like the other days, Oh was insanely busy at work. No time to even brush his teeth after lunch. Go figure..
Anyways, since he was supposed to be on a business trip to Seoul in the afternoon, he wanted to get his work done as late as 4PM and headed north. Well, he did get things done and took off and that’s where the whole thing started to go wrong.

4:30 PM. Oh started to rev up the engine of one of his company cars. After he got in a car accident 7 years ago, this is the VERY FIRST TIME for him to drive. And if you know how crazy the traffic is in Seoul, you would just stall Oh at any cost.
5:30PM. On the highway Oh is crusing. He is actually doing better than he thought he would. Although he is fidgeting and nervous he is so focused on driving, checking out the mirrors and the right exit and whatnot.
6:00 PM
Oh cancelled on one informal gathering with one of the participants at the convention last week. The traffic is insane. Thank god, he had a headstart and so won’t be late for the business meeting.
6:30 PM
He’s lost in Seoul and entered some street valley. Reaching the dead-end, he is trying to maneuver his way out to the main road. Alas, while doing so, he clipped the car to a telephone pole and thus scratched and left some dent on the car. He is dead, now.
6:40 PM
Having panic attack, (metaphorically), Oh met up his friend. He took his friend to nearby local auto shops that told Oh that it would cost at least 300 dollars to fix the damn car.
7:30 PM
Eating dinner, Oh called the guy from the rental place and notified him about the scratch. The guy tried to calm Oh down. Not working
8:30 PM
About one hundred Malaysian visitors from DDB arrived at the meeting place. Oh took some photos of them, paid their dinner with the corporate card and left the place.
10:00 PM
Oh and his buddy were shopping. Oh could not really concentrate. Keeps apologizing to his friend for ruining the night.
11:00 PM
Oh got a call from this person whom he thought was at his beck and call. Obviously, the individual was not. Oh had a plan to hit some clubs at Hongdae to dance the night and all the stress he has receive this week away. It is freaking Holloween!!!!!!! Seems like it is not going to happen.
11:20 PM
The commercial designated drive Oh called arrived and revved up the engine. Back to Suwon.
12:40 AM
He can’t hit the sack because of the car. 300 dollars is a lot of money. More importantly, he is going to get his ass chewed off by his bosses once they found out about the car.
1:30 AM
Oh had a plan, he looks back.

it happens all the time. once when i was trying to squeeze my boss's benz into a tiny little parking lot, one of the rearview mirrors was totally destroyed by the wall on the right hand side. oddly i was reversing the same car the other day, heavily hit onto another in the back and got severely damaged. we are not pros after all.
almost forgot, somethin' went wrong with my little wipers, i sent it over to the garage and got it fixed. they charged me 800 dolloars, for merely two wipers!!
hehe..i did not know that the living cost is skyhigh in iceland. here in Korea, fixing cars is not that expensive comparedt to any other countries in the world.
anyways, did your boss tell you off? or just let it pass? luckily, none of my bosses knows about the fenderbender I committed LOL
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