2008. 11. 5
It goes out without saying that getting a decent gig is just plan arduous in South Korea nowadays. The economy has been plummeting as that of the rest of the world is while the imcumbent has no intention to give the axe to the tresure secretary, Mr. Kang who bascially induced so called IMF Crisis" back in 1997.

Anyways, after lunch, Oh saw a job fair going on in the lobby of the building. Obviously, there are many a job seeker there filling out applications and talking to their future employers. Whenever Oh hears that securing a nice job is getting harder and harder, Oh feels fortunate. Well, what he has been doing is not exactly the cup of his tea, but it is not like he needs to squirm on his chair at every single moment out of disgust or hatred toward his job or his co-workers. Sometimes
he does not like his job and his colleagues. And some other time he does like the both. But the simple fact that now he is working sometimes looks like a bliss to him.
he does not like his job and his colleagues. And some other time he does like the both. But the simple fact that now he is working sometimes looks like a bliss to him.
In particular, the company Oh works for is a very unique organization. Well, it'd be too much to talk about everything about this work here. But simply speaking, it is not too much nor too less. Well.. a bit much for him..for now because things are not too familiar with him and honestly, his colleague still give him a hard time so that Oh can learn things quickly and thoroughly. While existing the job fair, he wished the luck for those college kids filling out the applications. 

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