Today has been really slow. Compared to the fever, anxiety, excitement, those of the second day seemed to disappear. Expectedly, except for some young participants, the most of the members are somewhere, doing something fruitless. However, Oh succeeded in meeting the girl that he met on the elevator yesterday and even got her business card. It was not clear that if she detected that Oh was interested in her. But definitely, Oh sent a signal to her. Later today, Oh plans on asking her out or at least testing the water.
At any rate, Oh worked out today at the min-gym in the hotel. Although it has been only two days since he became unable to exercise, it seems like Oh felt like he gained some weigh already. In particular, some of the food that Oh has had, of course, was real greasy and cheesy. Since Oh forgot bringing his running shoes, he was content with doing some muscle failure in lieu of abiding by this routine. Well, at least it is better than nothing.
Workout is so miraculous in a bad way. You work out so hard and stop it for a couple of days, then all the muscle that you build up painstakingly is gone. Just like snapping fingers. And it takes twice time and energy to rebuild the muscle up. This might be the beauty and the whole point of work out. No pain, no gain. What you reap is what you sow. But all the hard work that you invested does not necessarily guarantee the result. Sometimes the result is frustratingly intangible. And this is why probably 60 percent of those signing up for the gym quits within three months.
Anyway, Oh saw the girl he was interested in wandering around the venue and passing out brochures. So he was biding his time to talk to her and strike up a conversation, which Oh pulled off. Ice is broken.
After spending hours on keeping the booth and asking some questions that random visitors hurled at him, Oh was bored to death. So, he enticed one of the participants to step outside and get some fresh air.
After coming back from little picture-taking sojourn, Oh was wondering what the girl that he was interested in was up to. So he went on a recon and found out that she was not at the booth. Coming back to his booth, Oh picked up a notepad and a pen in order to leave her a message that he would like to take about “cruise industry in general” over a cup of coffee (which Oh thought was a vastly lame pickup line) So, sitting on a bench next the her booth, Oh started to jot down the message, hoping she does not come back in the meantime. Folding the message, Oh decided to come back later and deliver it in person.
After 10 minutes, Oh headed back to the booth, being completely anxious and even fidgeting. Finally.
Oh : “Hey!”
She : “Hi!” (With a beautiful smile)
Oh: “I am here to pick up the newsletter that you talked about,”
She : “Hmm.. which one is it?”
Oh : (Pointing the paper on the desk between them) “I think that one is what I am looking for”
She : “Oh, yeah. Well, hold on. (Go to the back to the booth) There is one more I would like to give you”
Oh : “Ok?” (Receiving a brochure that She is handing over)
She : “This is the schedule for the upcoming conventions in Europe”
Oh : “Ah. You guys ton of conventions lined up. Well. Listen I have something for you in return.”
She : (With another big beautiful smile) “What is it?”
Oh : “(Sliding the note from his right sleeve) Well. I wanted to say it, but put the words down instead”
She : “Oh--- Can I open this now?”
Oh : “ would be embarssing..and..I need to go now because my team is leaving now.”
She : “Oh. Okay- are you coming in tomorrow?”
Oh : “Yes. I am. You know. I gotta go. See you around?”
She : “Yes. See you!”
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