It is not that all Americans are ignorant and insenstive of what is happenining to the rest of the world. But this video clip clearly demonstrates how apathetic Americans are. This clearly demonstrates both the failure and the importance of public education in the U.S. and the rest of the world.
I've seen this before on youtube. Sadly, it always makes me laugh as I do know several people like this. They know NOTHING of the world around them and these folks often are the people who will vote for Mccain in November. Now, I can't say that all McCain supporters are uneducated Americans, thats just not true. HOwever, many of the Americans that do not have exposure to "outside America" will get reeled in by McCain's rhetoric for better security as they fear what is unknowned.
Like you, the lack of knowledge and subsequently ignorance freaks me out, esp. in regards to Americans. What are the reasonings for this lack of education and furthered ignorance? I can't give you a good answer for this. Maybe its because many Americans take for granted their free education? I know I did for many years. I thought everyone had the right to an education.... little did I know how much of a RESPONSIBILITY and a RIGHT Education is.
I hate to say this, but all good things come to an end... Rome did. Greece did. Someday U.S will eventually fall like all it's predecesors. Alot has to do with Educational attainment and commitment. Again, I strongly feel that its due to taking for granted what we have when we have it.
I don't think the U.S. will come to an end. :) You know that I love your country, people and culture and stuff and not to metion, mores, econmics and politics. I think it will take forever for me to expand on this issue. But your countries has a lot of potential. You've been thru Great Depression, although coming right back after WWII. Still, I think that the faltering U.S. has been prmarily because the way in which GOP has been handling the country. Think about how prosperous the U.S. was when Clinton administration look office. Right after Bush sworn in, the declination of the U.S. economy and its fate were so conspicuous. And it would be real stupid for the American rank and file to choose a republican nominee after witnessing what has been transpiring to their investment portfolio and trust funds. I can't wait to watch the upcoming first presidental debate and McCain getting CREAMED by O(h)bama.
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