If there were to be one theory, philosophy or ideology that I abide by, it would be relativism. Here, I am not referring to that of Einstein and the whole E=MC2 formula. It is a philosophical tenet that every entity has to be understood in realtion to other entities. According to Wikipedia, the law of relativity or relativism (I prefer the latter) can be defined as the idea that some elements or aspects of experience or culture are relative to, i.e., dependent on, other elements or aspects. And I assume that you have already gleaned the gist of what realitivism is.
Now you probably wonder why this particular topic is the very first thread of my blog. It is simple. Jeremiads that I will post here do not need to be absolute or to be agreed by you. I welcome lauding, conformity and construstive criticism. So please bear in mind that although you do not relish, make out what will be written here, I embrace all sorts of opinions. Just be nice and polite. In simultaneity, I would love to have some arguments or debates as to a particular subject, such as who should be the next U.S. president between Obama and McCain.
At any rate, you may find relativism contradictory a bit. According to the theory, if everything is relative, the theory itself is relative, and thus groundless, which makes it very vunlerable. But, give me a break! Nothing nor no one is perfect.
After all, we are all human. We fall, suffer and get up off the dirt. ->What an artitrary conclusion!
At any rate, you may find relativism contradictory a bit. According to the theory, if everything is relative, the theory itself is relative, and thus groundless, which makes it very vunlerable. But, give me a break! Nothing nor no one is perfect.
After all, we are all human. We fall, suffer and get up off the dirt. ->What an artitrary conclusion!
Good day Mr. Oh,it's been long. how u doing these days. Relativism, a very enlightening theory.
Louie-C!!!!!!!!!! its been a while since we talked last time. I checked your Micrsoft Space where you posted the pictures taken in NY. Did you like the city? How is Qinqi doing? I've never heard from him since you two left the country. :) Anyways, let me know what you have been up to!
Yes, Relativism. I was always told to steer clear of this philosophical theory, but in today's world, it seems to be the only logical way to look at things.
I mean if we look at human nature, people usually act in a way that they think is right. They also act in a way that is geared towards the survival of their way of life/values. Thus so much ignorance prevails in the world bc people are afraid to lose their way of life that they have become so accustomed to.
Another thing to add. Something that I find so humorous/sad about human nature is that we tend to see things as wholes... esp. "the other" Thus, all Americans are the same. All Christians are the same. All Muslims are the same. So, if one deviates from what is "currently" believed to be "the authentic" then they are not put into that group by society. For example, and you knew this was coming didn't you, the headscarf is often seen as what makes a woman a Muslim. However is this always true? NOOOO... Many of the girls I see that identify as Muslim do not wear the scarf. And let me tell you, many of these girls are alot more Pious than those who do don the scarf.
Concomitantly, when I was in Jordan, I caught a girl wearing a headscarf and a young lad making out in a car. Now I'm not making a judgment on the girls Islamic nature, I'm just pointing out the fact that while she wore the scarf she did violate the no messin around before marriage law. nuff said.
point is, the pic that you chose to put up shows the stereotypical image of an Arab man wearing his stereotypical "Muslim" clothing along with his stereotypical turban, along with burning the flag while to top things off is burning the "Denmark?" flag? What if there was a wall street looking man doing the same thing? The comic surely wouldn't be understood! Even though so many Muslim men work on Wall Street :) This goes to show that surely I won't be the poster child of any Islamic literature anytime soon.... I just don't fit the image yet ;)
Wow Megan. I am sure that NYU taught you well. And I can sense that "Orietatlism" by Edward Said affected your ideology to the great extent. :)
Relativism is sometimes very tricky. We all know that it is a contradictory ideology. But I think that the idea is the most cogent philosophical tenet I have never heard. At least, the adherents of the ideology would not make blunders as others with narrow views do.
Now, I know that you are a convert muslim, but I want you to be a bit poised sometimes. The world (except for evangeliscans, Israelis and republicans) is aware that Muslims have been yanked around by ridiculous political and religious ideologies. And I do understhand that your being proactive about inculcating the rest of the world what is really going with Muslims. But sometimes I think that Muslim society does need to reflect its deeds from time to time. Terroirism in general is tied to it. And you know that some of the Muslims die to scarifice themselves and nurture the next suicide bombers by paying them a great deal. So, I believe that it is not fair to say that the rest of the world's political views are skewed and are misinformed.
But then again, the world is making the same mistake again. They tend to equate those suicide bombers with the rest of the Muslims society. And I believe that this is where relativism should kick in.
Anyway, let's continue this talk some time later!
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