Finally, they are back. The influx of the American tv shows has just begun and I am very excited. Although a couple of my favorites such as LOST and 24 will air sometime next year, I am still able to go home after work and watch one or two episodes of the rest of the shows on my list. Two and a Half Men, House M.D., Prison Break, Ugly Betty (yes.. I know..), Desperate Housewives (again..I know..), How I Met Your Mother, Heroes and The Office will and have started to air. What is more uplifting is that J.J (the director/producer of the Mission Impossible series and LOST) has launched a new show called “Fringe” Albeit excoriated by his fans for sprinkling too many “McGuffin”s on his works without any follow-up explanation, this fans are still ecstatic about his ambitious project. McGuffin is a cinematic gadget indicating a certain entity which, on the onset of a movie, seems to be quite important, but ends up being trivial, disappearing without any illustration, and eventually misleading the audience and defying their anticipation without affecting the narrative such as “Rose Bud” on Citizen Kane and a bundle of
dollars on Psycho.
Back to the comeback of the entertainment spear headers, the one that I have the utmost anticipation on would be The Office. The reason is because by watching the show I can draw a parallel with my working environment and the office dynamics. Of course, the ambience of my workplace is not bonhomie as that of The Office or does NOT depend upon how your boss (Micheal Scott/ Steve Carrel) feels today. Well, to be honest, it is nearly possible to be able to have a comfortable and soothing office ambience in Korea and I believe you know why. The Office, it is not realistic at all.
On the contrary, the characters on the show are not that far-fetched. It would be too much to list all the characters and describe their quirks. But you probably have seen or you yourself are one of that factitious protagonists. And I would like to personally give you the previledge to be envied by me provided you have been anyone like Dwight Schrute (Raiin Wilson). That geeky, saccharine and loyal person is highly likely to exist in real life and I would like to see him or her in person. I wonder what it would be like to confront the person.
At any rate, my nocturnal life for the next 4 months or so will not be boring or humdrum. The gym that I signed up for re-opened as of yesterday and thus I can finally resume my workout and my eyes, ears and brain will be stimulated by those sensational, entertaining and corny American tv shows. Why corny? You know why. They are about fornication, crime or sports, aren’t they? That's what SHE said!
On the contrary, the characters on the show are not that far-fetched. It would be too much to list all the characters and describe their quirks. But you probably have seen or you yourself are one of that factitious protagonists. And I would like to personally give you the previledge to be envied by me provided you have been anyone like Dwight Schrute (Raiin Wilson). That geeky, saccharine and loyal person is highly likely to exist in real life and I would like to see him or her in person. I wonder what it would be like to confront the person.

At any rate, my nocturnal life for the next 4 months or so will not be boring or humdrum. The gym that I signed up for re-opened as of yesterday and thus I can finally resume my workout and my eyes, ears and brain will be stimulated by those sensational, entertaining and corny American tv shows. Why corny? You know why. They are about fornication, crime or sports, aren’t they? That's what SHE said!
1 comment:
O MY GOSH! So about your excitement with sitcoms coming back into full swing...Ditto my friend. Ditto. I feel kinda pathetic though. This indescribable pathetic. I mean here I am, trying to be an academic and all... Thus, trying to spend my time wrapped up in a book and I get soooo excited over the sitcoms coming back! For example, I'm uber excited to see how the "5 year ahead" twist to the Desperate Housewives series will progress. As with you, I am equally excited how Jim and Pam's relationship will evolve. I also want to know what Betty will do with out Henry or Geo in her life. (I read a spoiler and found out both of those stars will not return) These are just a FEW shows that I am on pins and needles for.
The thing is, when I was in KOrea, I DID NOT GET caught up in the American Primetime TV lifestyle. In fact, when I was in college I never got sucked in as well. ( I guess mainly cause that was the Reality TV half-decade and wasn't too keen on such programming? not sure why)
Additionally, now in the U.S we can watch RE-Runs of old shows we were interested in as teenagers orrrrr we can see shows which never interested us when they were in production. For example, now I've been sucked into the Old "Beverley Hills 90210". I can watch these shows like this online at CBS/NBC/ABC with limited commercials. THERE IS AN UNLIMMITED supply Oh. UNLIMMITED. I have also started watching a famous 1980s sitcom, “Family Ties”.
In fact, I feel sometimes that I am turning into that person whom I used to think was WASTING their time and life on television. I still think that of those people, its just now I am one of them.
I think it has alot to do with relaxing. I don't have to think about anything. I can just sit back and watch someone else solve their problems. I also think it has alot to do with social relations. It gives me topics to discuss with people, ie. "did you see Grey's last night?" or " OMG can you believe how great so and so looks this season..."
I never pictured myself being one of those people, but I guess it was meant to be. I was meant to spend the few hours a day watching programming that makes me socially able. (Yo, I met a girl this summer who had NEVER watched or heard of Ugly Betty and she's American.... I mean how is that POSSIBLE.... how does she walk freely in society! haha) She does have like a 4.0 at a very amazing University and taught herself Arabic, Calculus and Spanish.... so yea....
So thats my life for the next few months too…. I will overindulge myself with New episodes! Can I handle the newness? WIll I graduate on time ???? Only time will tell.....
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