She is one of the most attractive women in the whole world. She co-hosts the daily show at C-Span called Washington Journal. I saw her about a year ago while watching the show online. Since then I have been a big fan just like many a guy in the whole world.
I particularly like the fact that she looks very cold blooded, but at the same time she also exudes bonhomie and warmth on the screen. When she talks to random callers and listens to their rant, she seems to be very attentive and embracing. By contrast, when the caller deviates from the topic, she merciless hangs up and moves on the next caller. And I believe such ambilaterality is what makes her look very professional.

Once, she was on a call with this crazy guy. The show is real time, so you don’t know when Janet Jackson is going to reveal her nipples AGAIN. And C-Span does not delay 5 minutes when airing live shows like MTV does. This means that the hosts of Washington Journal need to be prepared for the worse case scenario. Back to the aforementioned guy, he started talking about something and all of sudden, he said “… And you can suck my XXXX” Completely poised she hits the button to disconnect the call and moves on the next caller as if nothing transpired.
It is too unfortunate that there is not much info about her online and this makes her seems more mysterious and clandestine! One day I might call her up when she is on the show and say something about U.S. politics. Oh…by the way, this show makes me more convinced that Americans tend to blabber. Probably 90 percent of the callers DO NOT talk about the given topic, but simply just rant and fume out. When asked, why the U.S. government should do in regard to the ongoing financial crisis, 80 percent of the callers were rambling about who should be the next U.S. president, in lieu of saying Bush administration should bail out AIG.

Once, she was on a call with this crazy guy. The show is real time, so you don’t know when Janet Jackson is going to reveal her nipples AGAIN. And C-Span does not delay 5 minutes when airing live shows like MTV does. This means that the hosts of Washington Journal need to be prepared for the worse case scenario. Back to the aforementioned guy, he started talking about something and all of sudden, he said “… And you can suck my XXXX” Completely poised she hits the button to disconnect the call and moves on the next caller as if nothing transpired.
It is too unfortunate that there is not much info about her online and this makes her seems more mysterious and clandestine! One day I might call her up when she is on the show and say something about U.S. politics. Oh…by the way, this show makes me more convinced that Americans tend to blabber. Probably 90 percent of the callers DO NOT talk about the given topic, but simply just rant and fume out. When asked, why the U.S. government should do in regard to the ongoing financial crisis, 80 percent of the callers were rambling about who should be the next U.S. president, in lieu of saying Bush administration should bail out AIG.

The bottom line is I think I am attracted to intelligent women. It could be street or book smart.
Interesting Oh, you seem to talk alot more about her "beauty" than her "intelligence" :) haha! But yea, you could ask the average Joe American here about which direction their dog pees in the AM and they would somehow connect it to their political leanings.
That's really all that everyone is talking about around here. Either their political standing OR the financial crisis. I don't hear much blabber about the U.S military attacks on Pakistan. This befundles me greatly.
Anyways, keep up your blogging and I'll keep commenting.
hehe. touche! I don't know much about her intellecutal part. But considering the fact that she is working for C-Span proves that she is sure book-smart at least.
I know that the U.S. economy is faltering and thus bring out possible financial ramifications upon the rest of the world. In particular, Korea is in panic, not knowing how wide and devastating your financial crisis will end up being.
Thus, the whole presidental campaign has been somewhat sidetracked and I am afraid that the U.S. people might turn apathetic about it. I know that the first presidential debate is around the corner, so hopefull that will a watershed in 2008 election! And make sure to vote for O(h)bama.
Do you remember that when Obama was in town back in New York? I now regret not going to Washington Sqaure Park and participating his rally. :(
Greta is indeed a great host. Total poise and not a hint of political bias.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
First time I have seen her is this morning. Very Very hot !!!
Greta is definitely impressive.
1. first and foremost she makes women look good. I'm guessing that everyone who listens to her gets that sense. The stereotype of women is that they are overly emotional and don't have their facts straight. She's doing a great job showing that a women can be cool, collected, quick thinking on her feet, and deeply knowledgeable.
2. It is also impressive that she has absolutely no internet footprint. You can't find anything on her on the internet. Not even the college she attended. That's very impressive. The average american's information is all over the internet at multiple websites for only 9 dollars or less you can purchase a person's private information -- i don't know how that could possibly be legal. people get away with murder on the internet.
You know she could have changed her name at some point.
You'd be looking at the fake identities online footprint that way :)
I assure you Greta's real maiden name is Wodele. I went to middle school with her. I won't give out too much info other than it was a small town a couple of hours southeast of Minneapolis, and she would have graduated high school in 1993. Even then she was very nice, smart, and (of course) pretty.
29 Mar 15, 23:04
thorn: she is stunning in a physical sense.. and she's a good listener in an emotional sense. a combination almost never found in a divorced woman.. As close to perfection and the ideal woman i have ever seen "from a distance".
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