2008. 10. 16
Oh comes home almost 11:30 PM, tired from workout. Why did he work out later than he usually does? Well, the story goes back to four and a half hour ago.
On the verge of leaving for home, he was coerced to go drinking with some of the colleagues. Oh really did not want to because A. he needs to work out and thus is repelled by the idea of drink (well, he has never been a big fan of Soju or any kind of booze) B. he thinks that going out on a Thursday night is one of the stupidest ideas. Well, he is a newbie and thus sometimes needs to put up with people's yanking his chain around. But this is not too bad at all because A. he will get to know more about the coworkers and B. get free dinner :) and C. comes to realize how much he cherishes exercise and the strings attached.

So, at a local bar, with 4 different people, Oh started to drink. Well, it was not too bad. Only two shots of Soju and that was it. Normally, when drinking in Korea, you need to drink as much as people you drink with do. In particular, if someone older than you, or whose social status is higher than you, such as your boss, you need to just greet your teeth and throw back Soju. Well, the ambiance of Oh's company is not that coercive (irony, huh?) and Oh does not have to be forced to drink. Anyways, after 90mins, he left the scene, headed home, changed clothes, packed up and speed walked to the gym.
Though it was pretty late, there were still some people working out late. Well, the gym is located in the middle of the drinking alley, there are a lot of people starting to work late. Anyway, after saying hello to the trainer, Oh started to stretch out and later get on the treadmill.
As if trying to sweat off all the smoke and Soju seeming to be circulating in the every single vein of his, he ran like crazy. After solid 2 k run in 10 mins, he was perspiring like a pig and got off. Today is to work on chest pectorals and triceps. Oh asked the trainer to assist him intermittently. While finishing up the last set for tricep, the trainer accosted him and began to drill Oh like Death. Feeling his tricep torn up, he feels adrenalin kicking in. Ah.. this is a good pain! The reason I work out. The very sense that you are alive! (not a masochist!!!!) And he would like to pursue the feeling as long as he can.
1 comment:
Yo, the stank of SOJU is sooooooooo strong.... i bet your trainer was A) Really craving soju as they helped you worked out B) realllllly agrivated at your soju body odor or C) ah, i have no idea for a C, I just don't think Multiple choice is multiple choice unless there are atleast three choices or D) none of the above ;)
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